The Free Astrology Reading of Alexei, born Monday 26 December 1921
An online all-in-one Report with all Astrological Zodiac Signs

The Astrology Summary of Alexei

Below is the free all-in-one astrology summary reading of Alexei born on Monday 26 December 1921. Alexei was born in the month of the Western Zodiac (star sign) Capricorn and the year of the Chinese Animal Rooster.

Alexei has a very facinating astrological profile using Birthday Divination, Western, Chinese, Celtic (Druid) Astrology, Numerology and Colorology. Below you can view all the matching astrological zodiac signs and symbols in this all-in-one spiritual profile.

In Numerology the divine number is derived from the first name Alexei. Eastern astrology uses the date of birth Monday 26 December 1921 to establish the animal sign in a 12-year cycle of the Chinese calendar. Western and Celtic/Druid astrology are using the divine bodies and their relations in conjuction with date of birth and both use a monthly calendar.

The astrological signs and symbols below are matching Alexei and explain everything about the persons' characteristics.

Continue to the next step to show all astrological signs and symbols of Alexei.

The Astrological Zodiac signs & symbols of Alexei

Alexei was born on Monday 26 December 1921 in the month of the Western Zodiac (star sign) Capricorn and in the year of the Chinese Animal Rooster.

Western Astrology

Western Zodiac Star Sign - Capricorn
Western Star Sign:
Western Four Elements - Earth
Western Element:
Western Planet - Saturn

Chinese Astrology

Chinese Zodiac Animal - Rooster
Chinese Zodiac (Animal):
Chinese Five Elements - Metal
Chinese Element:
Chinese Yin-Yang - Yin
Yin-Yang Force:

Celtic/Druid Astrology,
Numerology & Colorology

Celtic Tree - Apple
Celtic Druid Zodiac:
Apple Tree
Numerology: Number - Two
Name Number:
Colorology: Color - Red
Divine Color:

Gemology &
Birthday Divination

Birthstone - Turquoise
Season - Winter
Birth Day of week - Monday
Day of the Week: